Divine Connections
An outreach entity of St. Paul's that provides needs in the local community such as: - Volunteering at food pantries - Hosting baby showers for single mothers - Food drives - Care packages for the homeless - Annual clothing giveaway Groundwork Guatemala St. Paul's has an established relationship with the Groundwork Guatemala missionaries. Approximately every eighteen months, St. Paul's sends a team to help build God's kingdom among the people of Guatemala. Interested in joining our team? Contact Lenore Van Santen: [email protected] Overseas St. Paul's sponsors overseas missionaries across the world! |
St. Paul's Lutheran Church 7821 W. Lincoln Ave West Allis, WI 53219 Phone: (414) 541-6250 email: [email protected] Worship Times Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am St. Paul's Lutheran School
www.splswa.com |